Recommended Reading — “Face Facts” by Joseph McGuire


Face Facts is an introductory manual to the art of reading faces for enhanced communication in business, with particular emphasis on Sales, Recruitment, and Negotiation. It is based on the ancient Chinese art of Mien Shiang (相面). It provides insights into archetypal face shapes and a wide variety of facial features of different sizes, shapes, and angles. Each section contains clear visual examples accompanied by text to explain how a feature reflects aspects of personality, behavior style, communication patterns and in some cases stress triggers and responses. The author Joseph McGuire has presented regular seminars and training in the subject since 1985. He is based in his native Ireland but travels extensively to present his work to businesses and at conferences in Europe and elsewhere.

The book is illustrated with a rich source of references to historical figures and everyday people, detailing the parts of the faces where certain characteristics can be detected.

Very interesting book on a fascinating concept. Well worth a read.

Face Facts is available on Amazon and in all major bookstores.


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